We send out a quarterly newsletter by email with lots more information – and pictures – about what’s happening at Green’s Mill. You can download Issue 18, Winter 2018 here.
To be added to the emailing list for the newsletter please drop an email to our Membership person Richard Wheldon membership@greensmill.org.uk
Another Award
The awards keep coming. In December our volunteers won the Nottingham City Museums and Galleries ‘Top Team’ award in recognition of all their hard work and success in keeping the Mill and Science Centre open and for making so much happen here.
Trainee miller
In February we will welcome our new trainee miller (a post supported by the arts Council). Leigh Evans is well known to us as a volunteer and so we are delighted to have him on the staff.
Some TLC for the mill
Work is proceeding, albeit somewhat slowly, on replacing the fantail boards and some timber The windmill is a vulnerable building, being made in large part of wood and being exposed to the elements. The fantail had been up there for thirty years and so it is no surprise that a replacement was needed. Meanwhile , the boards of the gallery around the mill should be replaced soon. We are hoping to have this done by Easter which will the anniversary of the City Council starting work on this (and on repairing the mill cap (which they did splendidly)
The big task facing us now (as in – we have to raise a lot of money) is to completely renew the interpretation that tells the story of George Green and his windmill and to replace the hands-on science exhibits. These very popular exhibits allow visitors – young and old – to explore the phenome that fascinated George Green, such as electricity, magnetism, light, sound and wave motion. Who knows – maybe there’s a young genius out there who will be inspired by a visit to the mill to become the next great mathematical physicist.
Volunteering at the Mill
There are a number of volunteer roles available at Green’s Windmill and Science Centre, from Visitor Services Assistants to Event Coordinators, Gardeners and Tour Guides. If you would like to apply to volunteer at a Queen’s Award Winning organisation please contact Jamie Duff at the windmill on 0115 915 6878 or email your interest to info@greensmill.org.uk