Make a donation

Please support Green’s Windmill and help us to keep the sails turning and to promote the reputation of George Green, one of the greatest scientists of all time.

We offer a year-round programme of affordable and free events and there is no charge to visit the mill and museum, science centre and beautiful garden.

Your donations will help us to continue our work. Thank you.

A view of Green's Windmill with the sun shining on the white sails

If you prefer to donate by cheque (made payable to Green’s Windmill Trust) please send it to Green’s Mill and Science Centre, Windmill Lane, Nottingham, NG2 4QB.

For any other ways of making a donation, please get in touch and we would love to talk to you.

Gift Aid: If you are a UK tax payer, we can claim an additional 25% on every eligible donation.

Green's Windmil Staff and volunteers smiling and holding an award

Volunteer with us

Green’s Windmill needs more good people to ensure it continues to thrive and develop. If you have useful skills and experience and would like to join our volunteer team, we would love to hear from you.

A view of Green's Windmill, the entrance and grounds outisde

Become a member

Membership helps us to preserve the unique heritage of our working windmill that commemorates the ‘mathematical miller’ George Green as well as our events for families, our educational work and our garden.