Become a member

Your windmill needs you!

As a member of Green’s Windmill Trust you will be helping to preserve the unique heritage of our working windmill that commemorates the ‘mathematical miller’ George Green as well as our events for families and visitors, our educational work and our community garden.
A view of the bottom of Green's Windmill and the mill yard and science centre building

As a member you will...

  • Support the Trust through an annual membership fee
  • Influence our policy and development through voting rights at our AGM
  • Receive a Welcome Pack, invitations to out of hours tours of the Mill and exclusive lectures, access to exclusive children’s baking days, free children’s educational trails at the Mill and regular updates on our activities.

Membership costs £30 per year (minimum) or you may choose Life Membership for £300.

To join go to or contact us for information on other ways to join.

Thank you from all of us at Green’s Mill

Green's Windmil Staff and volunteers smiling and holding an award

Volunteer with us

Green’s Windmill needs more good people to ensure it continues to thrive and develop. If you have useful skills and experience and would like to join our volunteer team, we would love to hear from you.

Children and adults looking up at the windmill

Make a donation

Please help us to keep the sails turning, continue to run events, maintain the museum, science centre and garden and to promote the reputation of George Green, one of the greatest scientists of all time.